About Us


Bob Veres' Insider's Forum conference is the real-world extension of Inside Information (www.bobveres.com), a master study group, provider of newsletters and articles as well as a general "curator" of information found throughout the financial advisory profession. Intended for experienced fiduciary financial advisory business professionals, the conference is designed to provide essential information for running and growing prosperous businesses and better serving clients, advanced technical content, as well as valuable opportunities for networking with industry thought leaders.

The conference programs consistently feature the highest caliber of established thought leaders in the profession, and we introduce trailblazing newcomers to conference attendees. Each year we offer three conference tracks that focus on the needs of the different functional areas of your organization: strategy leadership (CEOs, Presidents and firm owners), operations (COOs and other operations professionals), technical leadership (Chief Investment Officer and technical knowledge experts), as well as a track that will change each year to address the most current issues and themes that advisors are facing.

Our exhibit hall is by-invitation-only to help ensure that the fiduciary culture of our event is carried on throughout the entire conference venue.

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// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. /** * @fileoverview A simple script to automatically track Facebook and Twitter * buttons using Google Analytics social tracking feature. * @author api.nickm@gmail.com (Nick Mihailovski) * @author api.petef@gmail.com (Pete Frisella) */ /** * Namespace. * @type {Object}. */ var _ga = _ga || {}; /** * Ensure global _gaq Google Analytics queue has been initialized. * @type {Array} */ var _gaq = _gaq || []; /** * Tracks social interactions by iterating through each tracker object * of the page, and calling the _trackSocial method. This function * should be pushed onto the _gaq queue. For details on parameters see * http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/gaJS/gaJSApiSocialTracking.html * @param {string} network The network on which the action occurs. * @param {string} socialAction The type of action that happens. * @param {string} opt_target Optional text value that indicates the * subject of the action. * @param {string} opt_pagePath Optional page (by path, not full URL) * from which the action occurred. * @return a function that iterates over each tracker object * and calls the _trackSocial method. * @private */ _ga.getSocialActionTrackers_ = function( network, socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath) { return function() { var trackers = _gat._getTrackers(); for (var i = 0, tracker; tracker = trackers[i]; i++) { tracker._trackSocial(network, socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath); } }; }; /** * Tracks Facebook likes, unlikes and sends by suscribing to the Facebook * JSAPI event model. Note: This will not track facebook buttons using the * iframe method. * @param {string} opt_pagePath An optional URL to associate the social * tracking with a particular page. */ _ga.trackFacebook = function(opt_pagePath) { try { if (FB && FB.Event && FB.Event.subscribe) { FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(opt_target) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'like', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(opt_target) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'unlike', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); FB.Event.subscribe('message.send', function(opt_target) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'send', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); } } catch (e) {} }; /** * Handles tracking for Twitter click and tweet Intent Events which occur * everytime a user Tweets using a Tweet Button, clicks a Tweet Button, or * clicks a Tweet Count. This method should be binded to Twitter click and * tweet events and used as a callback function. * Details here: http://dev.twitter.com/docs/intents/events * @param {object} intent_event An object representing the Twitter Intent Event * passed from the Tweet Button. * @param {string} opt_pagePath An optional URL to associate the social * tracking with a particular page. * @private */ _ga.trackTwitterHandler_ = function(intent_event, opt_pagePath) { var opt_target; //Default value is undefined if (intent_event && intent_event.type == 'tweet' || intent_event.type == 'click') { if (intent_event.target.nodeName == 'IFRAME') { opt_target = _ga.extractParamFromUri_(intent_event.target.src, 'url'); } var socialAction = intent_event.type + ((intent_event.type == 'click') ? '-' + intent_event.region : ''); //append the type of click to action _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('twitter', socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath)); } }; /** * Binds Twitter Intent Events to a callback function that will handle * the social tracking for Google Analytics. This function should be called * once the Twitter widget.js file is loaded and ready. * @param {string} opt_pagePath An optional URL to associate the social * tracking with a particular page. */ _ga.trackTwitter = function(opt_pagePath) { intent_handler = function(intent_event) { _ga.trackTwitterHandler_(intent_event, opt_pagePath); }; //bind twitter Click and Tweet events to Twitter tracking handler twttr.events.bind('click', intent_handler); twttr.events.bind('tweet', intent_handler); }; /** * Extracts a query parameter value from a URI. * @param {string} uri The URI from which to extract the parameter. * @param {string} paramName The name of the query paramater to extract. * @return {string} The un-encoded value of the query paramater. undefined * if there is no URI parameter. * @private */ _ga.extractParamFromUri_ = function(uri, paramName) { if (!uri) { return; } var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&#]' + paramName + '=([^&#]*)'); var params = regex.exec(uri); if (params != null) { return unescape(params[1]); } return; };