Attendee Registration

Based on where you’re employed, click on either the "Advisory Firm Attendee Registration" or the “Consultant/Non-Advisory Firm Registration” button to process your conference registration payment and reserve your space at the 2019 Insider's Forum, which will be held at the Omni Nashville Hotel in vibrant Nashville, TN!

On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 from 8:30-12:00PM, Angie Herbers will be conducting a workshop on Diamond Teams (additional cost that you can register for along with the conference registration). The HIFON operations community (members and prospective members are welcome) will meet for three educational topics (no additional cost) from 8:30-11:30AM.

The main conference begins on Wednesday at 12:30PM and ends at 1:00PM on Friday, September 13, 2019 which should allow you to be home that afternoon or evening.

For attendees who work at an advisory firm the current registration fee is $945, available through May 31, 2019, after which it will increase to $995. 

In addition to your own registration, you can sign up additional members of your advisory firm at a discounted rate of $720 through May 31, 2019. Registrations for additional firm members after May 31, 2019 will cost $745. 

Inside Information subscribers who work at advisory firms receive a $150 discount (for the first registrant from the firm only; subsequent registrations are already discounted) when they register using the code that Bob provides to his Inside Information subscribers. If you're a subscriber and don't remember the code, please e-mail Bob at If you wish to subscribe to Inside Information and receive the $150 discount on the Insider's Forum conference registration, there is a link to subscribe on the home page of the conference website. Subscribing before registering for our conference will effectively save you 43% of the $349 annual subscription fee.

HIFON members are eligible for a $100 discount; please contact Shaun Kapusinski for your code. Michael Kitces’ readers can receive a $75 discount off their standard registration fee. Please contact Michael for your discount code. Please note that discounts are not stackable - only one discount per registrant - and they only apply to the first registration from a firm.

If you have any registration issues, please e-mail our conference manager Lori Bennett at and she will help you.

If you are a consultant or are not employed by an advisory firm the current registration fee is $1,100, available through May 31, 2019. After that date the fee will be $1200.


Advisory Firm Attendee Registration

Consultants/Non-Advisory Firm Registration

Written requests for refunds received or processed through our registration system by July 26, 2019 (prior to 12:01AM CT) will be refunded in full less a $100 administrative fee. Cancellations after that time will not be refunded; however, substitute registrations are welcome. Please contact Lori Bennett at if you wish to register someone else in your place.

For more information regarding refund, complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please contact Lori Bennett at

Website Design For Financial Services Professionals | Copyright 2025 All rights reserved
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. /** * @fileoverview A simple script to automatically track Facebook and Twitter * buttons using Google Analytics social tracking feature. * @author (Nick Mihailovski) * @author (Pete Frisella) */ /** * Namespace. * @type {Object}. */ var _ga = _ga || {}; /** * Ensure global _gaq Google Analytics queue has been initialized. * @type {Array} */ var _gaq = _gaq || []; /** * Tracks social interactions by iterating through each tracker object * of the page, and calling the _trackSocial method. This function * should be pushed onto the _gaq queue. For details on parameters see * * @param {string} network The network on which the action occurs. * @param {string} socialAction The type of action that happens. * @param {string} opt_target Optional text value that indicates the * subject of the action. * @param {string} opt_pagePath Optional page (by path, not full URL) * from which the action occurred. * @return a function that iterates over each tracker object * and calls the _trackSocial method. * @private */ _ga.getSocialActionTrackers_ = function( network, socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath) { return function() { var trackers = _gat._getTrackers(); for (var i = 0, tracker; tracker = trackers[i]; i++) { tracker._trackSocial(network, socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath); } }; }; /** * Tracks Facebook likes, unlikes and sends by suscribing to the Facebook * JSAPI event model. Note: This will not track facebook buttons using the * iframe method. * @param {string} opt_pagePath An optional URL to associate the social * tracking with a particular page. */ _ga.trackFacebook = function(opt_pagePath) { try { if (FB && FB.Event && FB.Event.subscribe) { FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(opt_target) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'like', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(opt_target) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'unlike', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); FB.Event.subscribe('message.send', function(opt_target) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'send', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); } } catch (e) {} }; /** * Handles tracking for Twitter click and tweet Intent Events which occur * everytime a user Tweets using a Tweet Button, clicks a Tweet Button, or * clicks a Tweet Count. This method should be binded to Twitter click and * tweet events and used as a callback function. * Details here: * @param {object} intent_event An object representing the Twitter Intent Event * passed from the Tweet Button. * @param {string} opt_pagePath An optional URL to associate the social * tracking with a particular page. * @private */ _ga.trackTwitterHandler_ = function(intent_event, opt_pagePath) { var opt_target; //Default value is undefined if (intent_event && intent_event.type == 'tweet' || intent_event.type == 'click') { if ( == 'IFRAME') { opt_target = _ga.extractParamFromUri_(, 'url'); } var socialAction = intent_event.type + ((intent_event.type == 'click') ? '-' + intent_event.region : ''); //append the type of click to action _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('twitter', socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath)); } }; /** * Binds Twitter Intent Events to a callback function that will handle * the social tracking for Google Analytics. This function should be called * once the Twitter widget.js file is loaded and ready. * @param {string} opt_pagePath An optional URL to associate the social * tracking with a particular page. */ _ga.trackTwitter = function(opt_pagePath) { intent_handler = function(intent_event) { _ga.trackTwitterHandler_(intent_event, opt_pagePath); }; //bind twitter Click and Tweet events to Twitter tracking handler'click', intent_handler);'tweet', intent_handler); }; /** * Extracts a query parameter value from a URI. * @param {string} uri The URI from which to extract the parameter. * @param {string} paramName The name of the query paramater to extract. * @return {string} The un-encoded value of the query paramater. undefined * if there is no URI parameter. * @private */ _ga.extractParamFromUri_ = function(uri, paramName) { if (!uri) { return; } var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&#]' + paramName + '=([^&#]*)'); var params = regex.exec(uri); if (params != null) { return unescape(params[1]); } return; };